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Adventures in Math Land:
Number Sense Using ScratchJr

By Jen Perry 60 minutes
Grades 1-3
English Language Arts,
  • Programming
  • Design
Tools & Languages
Scratch Jr.

Key Coding Concepts

  • Algorithms



A step-by-step set of operations to be performed to help solve a problem.

Learners will use their understanding of numeracy (including odd/even, place value, skip counting and greater than or equal to) to create a ScratchJr game.


  • Learners should have previous experience with ScratchJr
  • Learners should have had practice with numeracy skills including place value (tens and ones with learners), skip counting, spelling number words, and greater than and less than

Before the lesson...

Depending on iPad availability, this lesson can be completed in pairs, individually or set up as a math centre.

  1. Give learners 10 minutes to freely explore ScratchJr.
  2. (2-5 minutes) Review ScratchJr motion, sound, looks, and triggering blocks. (see reference guide). These coding blocks can be displayed on a Smart TV or printed off.
  3. (5 minutes) Hand out Math Land Learner Response sheet; review and answer questions learners may have.
  4. Tell learners that they are going to take Cat on an adventure to Math Land and must follow the directions in the response sheet. Using a pencil they should also complete the chart. When Cat is all done answering the questions, students can make Cat do a silly dance.

Differentiated learning:

Pre-readers: Educator could read out instructions. With support, learners can complete the chart below.

Assessment FOR Learning:

  • Listen to learners’ math conversations about number sense. Are they talking about place value? Are they able to complete the response sheet independently?
  • Listen to learners’ use of coding language. Are they identifying the names of the blocks?

Assessment OF Learning:

  • Review completed Learner Response sheet
  • Educators can also review iPads and view ScratchJr game (learners should record which iPad they used on their response sheet)


  • Provide learners with an opportunity to freely explore ScratchJr or check out other ScratchJr lesson plans on CLC.

English & Math

  • Learners can write their own instructions using mathematical terminology and give to a peer to use to create their own game.
  • Writing a math problem that Scratch Cat could solve.
  • Have learners write a reflection piece on what they found difficult about the task and how they can improve.

ScratchJr Learning Blocks Reference Guide

Blocks to be printed

Teach lessons that are tied to your existing curriculum!


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