Annual Report 2017
A note from our CEO, Melissa Sariffodeen

Creating this report to share with you, our community, has been a process filled with introspection, humility and inspiration. As we’ve connected with our learners, volunteers and community partners coast to coast – hearing of many of the stories we share in this report first-hand – I’m reminded how vast and diverse our nation is and the opportunity that technology education and our work has to empower and transform the lives of Canadians.
We are proud and grateful to provide thousands of Canadians with their introduction to coding and 2017 was milestone year for our organization in more ways than one.
In March, the federal government announced a $50 million CanCode fund and recognized Canada Learning Code in the House of Commons for our exemplary work — putting coding education on the national agenda.
In June, we launched Canada’s first every coding week combining our history, art and culture with technology to inspire and empower Canadians about the intersections of past, present and future.
In October, we evolved from Ladies Learning Code to Canada Learning Code. Canada Learning Code became the brand and the organization to unite all of our programming while also giving us room to grow and serve all Canadians – something we’re excited to focus our work on in 2018 and beyond.
Together we have come so far, but there is much work yet to be done. As we better understand the makeup of our community, we know there are many Canadians we still only reach in a small percentage – rural/remote learners, newcomers, indigenous learners and persons with disabilities. We strongly believe that diversity is Canada’s strength and we’re focused in 2018 to build relationships, design experiences and deliver our programs in communities across Canada that are most underrepresented in tech.
Alongside new partners and longtime friends, we will continue to roll up our sleeves and put in the work every day to make our vision for Canada a reality. It will be through teamwork and collaboration that we will reach our goal that all Canadians who have been historically underrepresented in the sector – particularly women, girls, people with disabilities, Indigenous youth and newcomers – are given equal opportunity to build our future.
Code time, go time.
Melissa Sariffodeen
Co-Founder & CEO

Learn more about our 2017 impact
Read our 2017 Annual Report