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Teen Club turns 1 and expands to Montreal! Des grandes nouvelles!


Une annonce en française suit plus bas! A French version of this announcement follows below!

According to the National Science Board’s “Science and Engineering Indicators for 2012″, women make up only 26% of Computer Science (CS) and Mathematical Science professionals in the United States. This coupled with the fact that the biggest drop-off in CS education for girls is between the ages of 13 and 16 when participation plummets from 66 per cent to 32 per cent – means that something ought to be done. We are, after all about creating realities we wish to experience – and empowering others to do the same. And so, we’re on it!

We dream of a world where we can all stretch well-beyond being just consumers (of technology) – and be creators. We want to empower girls in their adolescent years – and beyond – to know that they have a say, and we’re doing this through digital literacy. Technology has been and will continue to be one mighty superpower that will help us get there.


Teen Club members and the Honourable Navdeep Singh Bains – Minister of Innovation, Science, and Economic Development. Photo credit: Eden Beronio

It has been incredible to witness and be a part of beautiful relationships formed between young girls and the realization of their own capabilities through technology – and we’re on a mission to keep that going. Teen Club was designed in 2015 to help support, strengthen and champion curiosity, interest and enthusiasm around technology within young girls in to and throughout their adolescent years.

Make no mistake, Teen Club is more than learning how to code. It’s about developing critical and problem solving thinking skills, collaborating with one another – while using the power of technology throughout.

The Big News

Toronto highschool girls loved Teen Club so much that our friends at Google are powering our expansion to Montreal, Quebec! This means, that starting this month, we’ll be gathering the most ambitious and tech-savvy girls in Montreal together for workshops and industry outings specifically designed for highschool girls.

Montreal highschool girls can register to join the club here. We hope to see you there!

Here’s what some of our Teen Club members have to say…

12715900_1321967031162722_3287227692180307226_oWith all of my experience with Ladies Learning Code and Teen Club I can honestly say that I’ve seen and been affected by this positive change first hand. My involvement with Ladies Learning Code has inspired me to not only just learn code but I want to pursue a higher education and a career in computer science and entrepreneurship. Teen Club instilled this in me specifically after just a few workshops where we covered coding, entrepreneurship and business concepts that we were never taught in school
– Hailee Vassell, Teen Club Member

Version 2Teen Club has been such an amazing experience for me. I joined in 2015 as part of the pilot program. There, I met incredibly bright and welcoming young ladies with whom I shared many interests. I still kept in touch outside with them outside of Teen Club, which I think is amazing because it proves how much of an impression they had on me. As a member of the club, I strongly promote that any girl who has an interest in computer science or design, or maybe even just wants to check out what teen club is all about and doesn’t really know much about the tech industry, to join us! Each field trip we go on is worthwhile. From Google to Cisco, each trip has provided a different learning experience and has enabled me to think above and beyond the ordinary. Teen Club has allowed me to share my ideas with like minded women who can understand and conceptualize my ideas; we are supportive of all and help each other with our different strategies with the main objective to better our future through the tech industry.”
— Alexia Monize, Teen Club Member


Despite being a Ladies Learning Code venture, Teen Club goes far beyond digital literacy. Teen Club has exposed me to a world that I would have never seen had I stayed inside all day to study. I’ve learned in depth coding, visited Cisco and Twitter Canada HQ, been invited to the Google Go North Conference, and learned valuable professional skills. I’ve also learned about the tech industry, startup culture, and its gender gap. As an advocate for Women in STEAM, Teen Club is a place where I can further my knowledge on the issue, and take steps toward fixing it. Because of Teen Club, tech has become my biggest passion, and nothing will stop me from becoming a C-level executive in the industry.”
— Helen Lin, Teen Club Member

Selon les chiffres dévoilés par Fondation Nationale des Science (ÉU), les femmes ne représentent que 26% des professionnels de l’informatique et de sciences des mathématiques. Ceci, conjugué à la l’écart entre la participation des garçons et des filles dans les cours en science informatique durant l’adolescence souligne un problème important.


Chez Ladies Learning Code, nous visons créer une monde ou tous les jeunes canadiens et canadiennes sont équipés avec les outils et les connaissances nécessaires pour s’épanouir et pour réussir dans leur vies personelles et, plus tard, leur vies professionnelles.

C’est pour cette raison que nous avions développé notre programme “Teen Club”. Lancé en 2015 à Toronto, ce programme vise à fournir les jeunes filles âgées de 13 à 17 ans avec des occasions d’apprentissage des sciences informatique d’une manière amusante et intéressante. En plus des ateliers de programmation, de design, et d’affaires que les filles on l’occasion d’assister, nous offrons aussi des excursions éducatives à des entreprise de haute technologie, où les participantes peuvent apprendre d’avantage au sujet des carrières en sciences informatiques.

Avec “Teen Club”, nous espérons envoyer le message au filles ados qu’elles sont capable d’être des créatrices, et non juste les consommatrices, de la technologie qui nous entoure.

Les grandes nouvelles!

twweetLe programme “Teen Club” a été si bien reçu à Toronto, que nos amis chez Google nous ont fourni les ressources nécessaires pour lancer une branche locale du programme à Montréal!

Le programme débutera à la fin de janvier, mais les filles intéressées peuvent s’inscrire dès aujourd’hui!


Teen Club is powered by our friends at Google | “Teen Club” est présenté par nos amis chez Google

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