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ScratchJr Cat Says…

By Jen Perry 30 minutes
Pre K-K
English Language Arts,
Science and Technology,
Physical Education
  • Programming
  • Data
  • Technology and Society
  • Design
Tools & Languages
Scratch Jr.,

Key Coding Concepts

  • Algorithms
  • Debugging
  • Sequences



A step-by-step set of operations to be performed to help solve a problem



Finding problems in code and solving them



Identifying a series of steps necessary to complete a task; computers read and perform tasks in order from top to bottom

Learners will identify the ScratchJr coding blocks by playing ‘Simon says…'

This lesson requires space for the learners to move around freely.


  • ScratchJr coding blocks (to print or display on screen)
  • Picture book (or video explanation) about coding (see suggested titles in references)

  1. Introduce learners to the concept of coding by reading them a picture book (see suggested titles in references) or playing a video explanation: BBC Learning - What is Coding

  2. Tell learners that they are going to learn how to program a computer using ScratchJr on their devices (open the app and show them the program), but first they need to be able to speak coding language!

  3. Introduce them to the blocks and model the appropriate action (for example, holding up a blue motion block to the right would make the learners move right).

    Possible Script:
    Do: Hold 'Move Right' block up.
    Say: "Scratch Cat says move 5 steps right."

    Possible Script:
    Do: Hold ‘Grow’ block up.
    Say: “Scratch Cat says start little and grow big.”

  4. After teaching learners the various blocks, tell them you are going to test them to see if they remember what the blocks do. Say, “Scratch Cat says…” and then display a block without verbally giving an instruction.

Formatively assess to see if learners are able to identify the blocks without verbal instruction.

Determine if some learners need more assistance in learning the blocks.


  1. Display a series of blocks and see if learners can complete a multi-step action sequence.
  2. In small groups, have learners use the block cards to create their own action sequences.
  3. If time permits, move directly to the “ScratchJr Cat Says... Part 2” lesson plan (you will need approximately 60 minutes for this lesson).

English & Design

  • Create literature connections to “How to Build a Sandcastle” by Josh Funk. After reading this book, learners could recall the beginning, middle, and end of the story. In a journal, they could draw a picture of their favourite part.
  • Complete a Google Image Search of 3D printing and sandcastles.

Technology and Society (Safe Communication)

  • Have a group discussion: What can ScratchJr Cat do or say to show kindness? Link this to the term cyberbullying. As a follow up lesson, explore the ‘Putting a STOP to Online Meanness’ lesson by Common Sense Education.
  • Learners could also check out this Scratch studio (a collection of projects made by kids) on cyberbullying.

Scratch Getting Started Guide

ScratchJr Learn Blocks (teacher guide):

Scratch Printable Blocks:

BBC Learning - What is Coding

Kids Who Code:
Terrific Books That Introduce Programming to Children

“How to Code a Sandcastle” By Joshua Funk

Putting a STOP to Online Meanness (Common Sense Education)

Scratch Studio - Cyber-bullying

Teach lessons that are tied to your existing curriculum!


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