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HEADS-UP with micro:bit

By Lisa Anne Floyd 120 minutes
Grade 7-8
  • Programming
  • Computing and Networks
  • Design
Tools & Languages

Key Coding Concepts

  • Algorithms
  • Arrays
  • Variables



A step-by-step set of operations to be performed to help solve a problem.



An array is a data structure that holds similar, related data. An array is like a collection of boxes, each of which is called an element . Each element has a position in the array, and can hold a value. The data in an array must all be of the same data type. (Retrieved from:



Stores a piece of information i.e. score of a game that increases by 1 value for each goal

In this lesson, learners will tinker with premade programs, learn about variables and arrays, and code their own Heads-Up game using micro:bit. The topics can be anything from characters in a book to parts of a cell.

Technology (per learner)

  • Laptop

Before the lesson…

  • Code/build the lesson’s main project, ensuring you are comfortable with all steps
  • Share the slides with learners
  • Create a Kahoot account in order to access the Kahoot game

Have learners follow along using the interactive slides. If learners have a Google Account, they can also make a copy.

Here’s an overview of what to expect on the slides:

  1. Watch a short video clip of Ellen and her guest playing her version of Heads-Up.
  2. Learn about the anatomy of the micro:bit and the various code editor options.
  3. Tinker with premade applications.
  4. Learn about variables and arrays.
  5. Complete a Kahoot quiz to check understanding.
  6. Code a Heads-Up game for the micro:bit (having a micro:bit is optional).
  7. Write a short reflection.

  • The quiz is meant to check the learners’ understanding of variables and arrays to determine next steps.
  • The learners can share their Heads-Up code with the educator.
  • Once the Heads-Up application has been created, learners can play the game with one another and provide clues.
  • Learners can submit their one paragraph which is connected to Social-Emotional Learning.

  • Coding extensions are provided within the guided materials.
  • If learners are onsite, they can play each others’ games.


Tinkering Activity

Kahoot Quiz

Coding their Heads-Up Game - Guided Materials

Teach lessons that are tied to your existing curriculum!


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