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Doodle 4 Google

By Caitlin Davey 2 hours
Grades 1-3
  • Programming
  • Technology and Society
  • Design
Tools & Languages

Key Coding Concepts

  • Events
  • Loops
  • Sequences



One thing causing another thing to happen i.e. ‘when clicked’ block



Identifying a series of steps for a task. Computers and Scratch read and perform commands in order from top to bottom



Running the same sequence multiple times i.e. repeat or forever blocks

In this lesson, learners will brainstorm and code a Canadian-themed Google Doodle. They will create paper doodles, then design their doodle in Scratch and program it to dance to a beat.

  • Print the solution sheet for Activity 3
  • You will need some basic arts supplies to run the brainstorm activities including: markers, pencils, large paper, other drawing tools.

This lesson was built in partnership with Google Canada


Create a Doodle 4 Google in celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday!

  • Have learners review past Google Doodles.
  • Think about design
    • Constraints
    • Inspiration
    • Opportunities

Activity 1

In groups of 6, have learners brainstorm a theme that they will use across their team doodle. These themes could include: Canada’s history, Canada today, Canadian foods, Canadian animals, Canadian technology, Canadian innovation, etc.

Learners will play a game that is traditionally called ‘Exquisite Corpse’ where they will each add a letter drawing inspired by their theme to their doodle.

  1. Have learners fold a sheet of paper into 6 even parts (a larger sheet of paper may be best).
  2. Learners should decide the order they want to go in from 1-6.
  3. Learners will draw a letter on the sheet then fold it to hide their letter from the next person.
  4. Have the first learner draw their doodle just for the letter ‘G’, the second ‘O’, third ‘O’, fourth ‘G’, and so on until the group has drawn Google.
  5. Once every learner has drawn a letter, have the group unfold the paper to look at their completed doodle.

Have the small groups reflect on what they liked about the activity, what they noticed (are there similarities in some of the drawings?), and what they think they will change when creating their own original doodles.

Activity 2

  1. Watch these two videos to get learners inspired to doodle: Imagine | Create
  2. Using any materials available, have learners individually create a doodle. This could include: clay, paint, pencils, or any other materials that allow them to express their inner artist.

Activity 3: Scratch

Code Along

  1. Open up a new Scratch project at and click on “create” (top, left corner).
  2. Point out the main elements: Stage, Sprites, and Scripts (especially the “sounds” category). Demonstrate how to drag and connect blocks.
  3. Give learners a few minutes to click on blocks and explore.
  4. Go through 1-2 challenges with the group, where learners are tasked with trying to make something happen in Scratch. For example, “Try to make Scratch move” or “Try to make Scratch say something when the space key is pressed” (See the Code-Along Challenges doc for more examples and solutions)

Work Session

Open the starter project and review the Sprites and backgrounds.

Have learners open the starter project on their screens and click "See Inside" or “Remix” (The remix button will only be visible once they are signed into their accounts.)

Use the solution sheet to guide learners through the following steps:

  1. Design your letter
  2. Animate your letter
  3. Finish your design

Hold a doodle gallery so learners can take turns presenting their work to their peers and seeing the works of their classmates.

Have learners explain why they chose the drawing technique they did, what inspired them, what theme they had in mind, how they made their letters fit/or differ in style.

Extend the song the letters are dancing to or add in different layered instruments as the letters dance.

Have learners extend their drawings by creating a custom background.

Create a “coding train” where learners complete part of the doodle, then share it with another learner and have them remix + continue, then pass on to another learner to do the same.

Internet Research: Learners can use the Doodle Archive to research a past Google Doodle or the Doodle from a specific date. Additionally, learners can search the archive for doodles on a specific topic to compare different art techniques used by the illustrators. For example, learners can search for science, math, sports and artists.

Drawing Game for Kids: Exquisite Corpse (What Do We Do All Day?)

Doodle 4 Google - Imagine

Doodle 4 Google - Create

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